Moøkan is growing, step by step. Today we launch our website and blog, to show and share our working experience through it.
We would like to make from this blog something more than just a company communication platform. We would like to talk about the projects we are developing, the tools we use, techniques and tips we learn during our work, and the process we develop. A place where to share and learn with other developers and creators and our followers, as we have learned in many other websites.
In this Blog, you all are invited to comment as anonymous or register user (to avoid comment approval and keep your preferences), to participate sharing with us your opinions and ideas.
We are also glad to introduce our website, created just with Drupal CMS editor, some extensions from the Drupal community and the Progressive Theme. It is our first experience with this platform and we are really satisfice of the outcome. Please contact us if you find some problem or you have any suggestion about the site and blog.
The blog will be also available by RSS Feed.
We hope you can find this site helpful and useful.