苹果公司和虚拟现实 —— 一年之后


在最近的苹果全球开发者大会(WWDC )上,苹果公司发布了关于虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)的重大新闻。首先,苹果要推出具备这样的技术的新电脑;第二,苹果已使用Metal 2完善了三维图形;最后也是最有趣的事是,苹果并未提及其自己的VR平台或者头盔(虚拟现实眼镜)。




Google Daydream

Virtual Reality is gradually becoming a reality within the reach of everyone. Now Google has taken a big step to make it possible, Daydream. This new platform from the creators of Android, aims to turn each of our smartphones into an RV set.

Daydream consists of a Headset, a remote controller and a platform for the software. But it goes further, Google pretends that the next generation of phones is really prepared to offer VR seriously. So little by little we will see how the manufacturers will launch their new devices as Daydream Ready, or ready for the future.