Emilio Aladrén 是一个在雕塑方面的声誉与他与诗人...
今天我们带来的是20世纪最重要的西班牙艺术家帕布罗·塞拉诺(Pablo Serrano)的作品。他创办了埃尔帕索(集团)(El Paso (Group)),并直接影响了战后西班牙抽象艺术的先锋派运动。他的国际影响力在纽约古根海姆博物馆、华盛顿赫希杭博物馆、巴黎蓬皮杜中心、圣彼得堡赫米蒂奇和梵蒂冈画廊的展出以及现代西班牙艺术收藏品中都可见一斑。
本周我们公布了西班牙艺术家马里亚诺·本例热(Mariano Benlliure)的雕像作品,他是19世纪现实主义雕像大师。这副雕像表现的是1909年间的一位西班牙上流社会的女士,基座为19.5 x 23 cm,高48cm。
本次作品是一个陶器,创作的是中国共产主义领导者毛泽东(Mao Zedong)。这位领导人物被无数人崇拜和颂赞,在底部我们发现了“为人民服务”的字样。
今天我们展示一个西班牙雕塑家Jerónimo Suñol的作品“学徒(apprentice)”,它是这位雕塑家在西班牙创作期间最重要的作品。这部雕塑是在1978的罗马文艺净化时间创作的,后来在巴塞罗那用青铜铸造。这是部小型雕塑,尺寸为43厘米高,底部大理石基为22X21厘米。
Today in our blog we start a new series of articles with sculptures that we have scanned in 3D. With this initiative we want to continue sharing from Moøkan our work, especially in the field of cultural dissemination. Thanks to the agreement with some of our clients we will share some of the sculptures of their private collections giving public access to them in a digital environment.
We have chosen to start, the most contemporary of this series. A complete body of...
Photogrammetry is a modern technique of digital capture of real models, which we have already talked about in this blog. Technique we work on rebuilding sculptures or buildings. This technique analyzes a group of photos of a model from different points of view and with them and many triangulation operations we obtain...
Day by day the capacity of smartphones is closer to that of desktop computers gradually approaching the so-called convergence. When both platforms will offer similar functionalities and qualities.
This will brings many advantages for users who will find greater and better compatibilities as well as for developers who can more easily produce...
Firstly from Moøkan we want to thank all those who have downloaded our Application: Virtual Hall, especially to all those who have offered us their comments and suggestions.
Today thanks to these generous contributions we launched an update to improve the experience of our virtual exhibition hall. With significant...
Virtual Reality is gradually becoming a reality within the reach of everyone. Now Google has taken a big step to make it possible, Daydream. This new platform from the creators of Android, aims to turn each of our smartphones into an RV set.
At MooKan we are convinced that the future of communications goes beyond text, image or video; We believe that the virtual experiences with their multiple options of freedom and interaction are the solution that will complement the existing media taking them to a new level.
That is why today we have taken an important step. After publishing some articles and descriptions, images and videos of our works, today we launched the first free virtual experience, so you...