Mookan's online shop on Taobao


Mookan has opened its Taobao shop in Aug 2018, providing services for 3D modeling, Real Time 3D and Virtual Reality (VR) applications.


We are focusing on real time 3D technology and its application. We hope our clients would have a more clear understanding about our current business through this online shop.


Welcome to visit our shop and contact us there.


Category: News

Moøkan at the 14th ICIF: Hearts and Architecture

Moøkan has attended the 14th ICIF in Jihong building which with subject of "Hearts and Achitecture" on 11 May 2018. "Hearts and Achitecture", emphasizes the effect of achitects' spirit in building, design and art, and explores the application and innovation in new era.

The co-founder of Moøkan, Mr. Gago is invited to give a speech in the event and joint the forum as well.

Our topic is "Art and Technology". When we look back the human history, art is always connected with technology. Art is mared by technology, and also led technology.

But to turn the achitectural art into a building in reality, the designers have to connected with the construction and space experience. Art and design is part of the work, they have to understand all structures and details they designed of the space.

Unlike the architects in the past, today, the market has put the designers locked in an office, without connection with reality, space and experience, but only imagination. The artists are alienated.

Therefore, we should go back... back to human and expereince. But how to get the experience when we are locked in office nowadays? The answer is: Virtual Reality (VR).

Virtual Reality (VR) is not new technology, but today it's becoming a useful tool, can connect the designer back with the experience. With Virtual Experience developed by Moøkan, the designers will have space experience, since their idea now can be visual.

Category: News



Moøkan的创始人Guillermo Gago先生受邀请成为此次活动的主讲嘉宾,并参加了中外设计师交流论坛。






Category: News


4月10日,由国际青年设计师协会联合欧文莱陶瓷举办的“现代力量——2018国际千人设计师峰会”在广东佛山潭州国际会展中心盛大举行,吸引了来自全国各大城市约1000多位设计精英出席。MOØKAN的创始人Guillermo Gago先生作为特约国际嘉宾出席了此次峰会。

峰会运用了全息投影、高空特效、现场交响乐团演奏、无人机拍摄,让现场千人感觉到现代力量。会上,欧文莱为行业解读了瓷砖美学进化史,香港PAL Design Group 设计董事何宗宪、台湾首位红点奖金奖设计师张清平分享了他们的设计心得与对现代力量的理解。

在国际现代设计大师论坛环节,包括MOØKAN创始人Guillermo Gago先生在内的各位国际嘉宾深入探讨了针对黑、白、灰元素的应用,对欧文莱素色瓷砖表示了极高的赞誉。



Gago先生代表 MOØKAN在峰会上题词,寄语国内的年轻设计师:





Category: News

Modern Power: 2018 Designers Summit

Organized and supported by International Youth Designer Association and Overland, "Modern Power: 2018 Designers Summit" has been held in Foshan on 10 Apr 2018. More than 1000 designers attended the summit. Mr.Gago, the co-founder of MOØKAN, was invited as a special international guest.

Holographic projection, high-altitude special effects, live symphony orchestras and UAV shooting have been shown in the Summit. The Overland, one of the leading companies of ceramic tile, has presented the evolutional history of ceramic tile Aesthetics; Mr. He, Design Director of PAL Design Group (HK) and Mr. Zhang, Red Dot Gold award designer (Taiwan), have shared their understanding of modern power.

In the forum of international master of modern design, the guests from different coutries have discussed the application of elements of black, white and grey. 

Mr.Gago expressed that Overland plain colour is not just color, it's 3D, light, roughness and grain texture; all these layers makes these ceramics a realistic natural stone and marble, which effect makes you feel like in nature. Similar technique used by MOØKAN to creat high quality and realistic materials on 3D visualizations.

The Summit is one of the largest design activities in recent years and considered successful. It's also annouced that there will be an award of "Modern Design" open to all designers.

Mr. Gago sent his message to Chinese young designers as following:

"Creativity does not just come in one day; 

 Creativity is built day by day,

 with hard work and study."


Category: News


受澳门建筑工程师协会和澳门科技大学持续教育学院的邀请,2018年3月9日,Moøkan 在澳门举办了一次持续专业发展课程,向30多名成员展示了“虚拟现实在建筑设计上的应用”。


1. 虚拟现实及现行技术
2. 实时3D技术及其优化
3. 虚拟体验应用于建筑领域
- 建筑设计
- 建筑可视化
- 智能酒店
- 设备管理





Category: News

Macau CPD Event: VR Application on Building Design

Invited by Association of Building Engineers of Macau (ABEM) and Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) - School of Continuing Studies, Moøkan has conducted a CPD (Continuing Professional Development) programme of "VR Application on Building Design" to over 30 members from ABEM and MUST in Macau on 9 Mar 2018.

In this CPD programme, we have presented contents of following:

1. Virtual Reality and the technology
2. Real Time 3D and optimization
3. Virtual Experience for Buildings
- Building Design 
- Building Visualization 
- Smart Hotel 
- Facility Management 

The programme is considered successful and most of the members have experienced the VR technology by themselves.

Mookan has already completed 2 projects in Macau. With the VR technology, we helped the client to have a better understanding of the hotel room design before construction. We hope this techlogy will be known and used more in Macau.

Please feel free to contact us for more details about this event.

Category: News
