苹果公司和虚拟现实 —— 一年之后


在最近的苹果全球开发者大会(WWDC )上,苹果公司发布了关于虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)的重大新闻。首先,苹果要推出具备这样的技术的新电脑;第二,苹果已使用Metal 2完善了三维图形;最后也是最有趣的事是,苹果并未提及其自己的VR平台或者头盔(虚拟现实眼镜)。




Google Daydream

Virtual Reality is gradually becoming a reality within the reach of everyone. Now Google has taken a big step to make it possible, Daydream. This new platform from the creators of Android, aims to turn each of our smartphones into an RV set.

Daydream consists of a Headset, a remote controller and a platform for the software. But it goes further, Google pretends that the next generation of phones is really prepared to offer VR seriously. So little by little we will see how the manufacturers will launch their new devices as Daydream Ready, or ready for the future.

虚拟大厅: 新的视频演示

Today we are glad to launch a new video of the Virtual Hall from Moøkan. On this new video we not only show an improvement of the video quality due our new equipment but also a redesigned user experience including the updates we have been talking the past days.




With these last adjustments ready we are about to launch a new version of this project, that will be available to download from our website.




In Moøkan we have joined the Snaptank, this 3D scan community, to commercialize our photogrammetry models in a high quality version for professional use. We took the decision after being asked by some users about the original or more detailed version of the models we freely share in Sketchfab.

We hope you find these high definition models useful and we will be glad to hear your comments.

We start with the following two models:

The church of La Asunción  - Snaptank 


在这篇文章中,我们将要谈论使用无人机进行摄影测量后制作的两个新的3D模型,通过这两个模型,我们可欣赏到西班牙Villalonso城堡。这两个模型,一个模型包括了城堡周围的景观,另一个则显示更多城堡的细节。我们在Sketchfab上 分享了一个免费的轻版本,可以在智能手机上不需要很多流量就可获得理想的视觉效果。完整的版本可以在 Snaptank上购买。

这个规模很小但非同凡响的古堡坐落在西班牙萨莫拉省,是这个区域里保存最好的遗迹之一。它的现有状态与当初原始外观相差不远。它最初建设于十五世纪,作为防御工事在早期文字记录中被归为卡拉特拉瓦秩序(Calatrava Order)的军事工程。


The sculpture collection we have used at the Virtual hall project comes from Sketchfab. All of them have been modified and optimized by our team to ensure a fluent simulation and the best quality. We would like to mention the original authors according to the Creative Commom license that they use to share their models and thanks their generosity. 

The sculptures come in a big variety of qualities, usually between 50 000 and 200 000 polygons. our Team have optimized them to 15 000 polygons the small models and 30 000 the big or complex ones. To do it the process have three phases: Correction of original models, Reparametrizations and polycount reduction, Detail textures baking. 

Moøkan 在 Sketchfab

We love Sketchfab, and we would like to share it with you. Sketchfab is a website to share 3D models as we share video in Youtube or Vimeo. It is a light 3D engine on the web that is perfect to show 3D models and sites. It is a fantastic tool for artists and it is becoming popular also for museums, to share their collections with all the world. Some models can be downloaded to share the 3D files, so other artists can use them for their own creations.