虚拟大厅​1.2.14 版本更新!

Firstly from Moøkan we want to thank all those who have downloaded our Application: Virtual Hall, especially to all those who have offered us their comments and suggestions.

Today thanks to these generous contributions we launched an update to improve the experience of our virtual exhibition hall. With significant improvements especially in the user interface (UI).

Below the list of the improvements made:

虚拟大厅: 即刻下载,尝试体验!

At MooKan we are convinced that the future of communications goes beyond text, image or video; We believe that the virtual experiences with their multiple options of freedom and interaction are the solution that will complement the existing media taking them to a new level.

That is why today we have taken an important step. After publishing some articles and descriptions, images and videos of our works, today we launched the first free virtual experience, so you can prove for yourself what 3D Real Time brings over other media.

虚拟大厅: 新的视频演示

Today we are glad to launch a new video of the Virtual Hall from Moøkan. On this new video we not only show an improvement of the video quality due our new equipment but also a redesigned user experience including the updates we have been talking the past days.




With these last adjustments ready we are about to launch a new version of this project, that will be available to download from our website.




Now in our Virtual Hall not only we can enjoy the sculptures but also we can know about them thanks to our new information boards. These boards show us the name of the sculpture and a short explanation of the piece and where it comes from. But what makes these boards truly great is that they only appear when we get close enough to the sculpture, to a comfortable distance to see the sculpture and read the information, and disappear when we get even closer so it doesn't disturb us when taking a close-up view, or when we get away from it to keep always a clean view of the room.


In Moøkan we keep working to improve our client's experience and their feedback is the base for our system upgrade. According to this feedback, we have improved our base options and configuration menu, in order to add new functionalities and make it more easy and intuitive to use for any user. 

Our Simulations aren't just a walkthrough App. Our menu gives options to choose different spaces or configure the settings to optimize the simulation to your computer and generate a fluid simulation. 

The new menu add a Audio Slider that control the output volume for our App, separately of the general computer audio to offer a direct control and allow it keep other audio while the App is running. 


Today we present a new cinematographic footage of our project Virtual Pavilion. On it we show a path between the pieces of this sculpture collection accompanied by the music of Alexander Blu, “Movie star”.


The sculpture collection we have used at the Virtual hall project comes from Sketchfab. All of them have been modified and optimized by our team to ensure a fluent simulation and the best quality. We would like to mention the original authors according to the Creative Commom license that they use to share their models and thanks their generosity. 

The sculptures come in a big variety of qualities, usually between 50 000 and 200 000 polygons. our Team have optimized them to 15 000 polygons the small models and 30 000 the big or complex ones. To do it the process have three phases: Correction of original models, Reparametrizations and polycount reduction, Detail textures baking.